Reservations can be made online or over the phone.
We also accept reservations at the site on the same day depending on the situation.
We may cancel operations due to bad weather. Check the following for the operating conditions."

News on operating conditions

Over the phone

Up to 2 days in advance

SHIMANAMI Co., Ltd. Sales Division
TEL: 0898-25-7338
Reception: Weekdays 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed: Weekends and holidays

Day before / day of

Michi-no-Eki (roadside station) Yoshiumi ikiikikan (boarding pass sales office or boarding location)
TEL: 0897-84-3710
Reception: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed: When the Yoshiumi ikiikikan roadside station is closed.

Internet reservations

Up to 4 days in advance

Reservations made shortly before departure must be made over the phone.

Applying on-site

Michi-no-Eki (roadside station)Yoshiumi ikiikikan

Address: 4520-2 Myo, Yoshiumi-cho, Imabari City
Boarding pass sales office
Reception: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

  • Fill out the passenger name sheet, submit it to reception in the store, and pay no later than 20 minutes before departure. Name sheets are available at the entrance to the store in the Yoshiumi ikiikikan.
  • Once the procedure is finished, they will give you your boarding pass and a guide map.
  • The distance from Yoshiumi ikiikikan to the boarding point for the tidal observation boat is about 200 m. (3 to 5 minutes on foot)


Fee for cancellations initiated by customers (including phone reservations)
▪ Up to 3 days before: 30%
▪ Day before: 50%
▪ Day of: 100%
* Cancellations for large groups or cancellations that significantly hamper operations could exceed the above.
If the boat is canceled or significantly delayed due to bad weather, you will be notified at the registered email address or phone number.
Register an email address (or phone number) that you can check even while you are out.
Changes to the time or number of people made after the boarding procedures are also handled as cancellations.


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